Maitri Means Friendliness

I don’t know about you but I need help in the motivation department.

I know what I should be doing. I even have all the resources I need to study, re-revaluate, and learn. (Who else has a stack of yoga books collecting dust?!) What I have is the will to evaluate how I am and how I act. What I’ve come to accept about myself is that I need support in enacting change.[pwe-

That may not seem like a big deal, but check in with yourself for a moment. How do you feel about asking for and receiving help?

Knowing what you need and giving it to yourself is Maitri.

You’ll see in Meghan Hogan’s article on Maitri, Pema Chodron describes maitri as “unconditional friendliness toward oneself”. As per usual, what yoga suggests to ease suffering and welcome stillness of mind is much easier said than done. How often have you extended friendliness outwardly, skipping right over yourself?

Unconditional friendliness is easy when you know such amazing people!

The concept of maitri is introduced in the Yoga Sutras, Book 1, sutra 33.

In daily life we see people around who are happier than we are, people who are less happy. Some may be doing praiseworthy things and others causing problems. Whatever may be our usual attitude toward such people and their actions, if we can be pleased with others who are happier than ourselves, compassionate toward those who are unhappy, joyful with those doing praiseworthy things, and remain undisturbed by the errors of others, our mind will be very tranquil.

T. K. V. Desikachar

Another translation:

“Transparency of mind comes by embracing an attitude of friendliness, compassion, happiness, and non-judgement toward those who are happy, miserable, virtuous, and non-virtuous.” – Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

Sometimes it’s hard to find folks who will have the background knowledge or the interest to discuss yoga philosophy. These are the kinds of discussions we will be guiding in the Move with Maitri Yoga Teacher Community & Mentorship program.

What areas of study are you interested in diving into?